
Leeford Pharma specializes in making pharmaceuticals, OTC drugs, FMCG, Food products & Surgical products. Our manufacturing facilities and processes are compliant with the existing global regulatory standards and we are committed to maintaining quality and efficiency by keeping our systems and processes up to date by integrating latest technological developments.

Our Formulation & Development department has dual focus - innovation in product and innovation in processes. The first objective is geared towards developing new product formulation capable of taking on the dynamic challenges of pathology and making existing products more effective. The second objective is aimed at making complex drugs more accessible and affordable for everyone by streamlining processes, reducing turnaround time and eliminating wastage.

We have several ongoing projects focused on one or more aspects of several generics and new drug formulations including oral solid-based products, OSDs, injectables and dermatological products. We recently diversified our research interests to include process engineering, and Novel Drug Delivery Systems (NDDS) as well. With process engineering, we aim to optimize production processes to reduce turnaround costs and time and with our research on NDDS, we aim to enhance safety and efficiency of the drugs and minimize their side effects.